Tunnel Design
& Geotechnical Design

​Tunnel Design
Every tunnel is unique. Crouch Engineering's understanding of site-specific ground conditions and behavior is combined with our experience in understanding how each specific tunnel was built enables us to develop practical, constructable rehabilitations or repairs for each tunnel project.
We have the capability to inspect and assess a tunnel when a client feels that the existing structure has the potential to cause damage that may affect rail traffic or drainage, depending on the use and location of the tunnel. Typically, this entails a visual walk-through of the tunnel to evaluate the current condition and to determine if the deterioration is in need for further in-depth investigation or engineering.
Based on our unique specialization, and Crouch's railroad track design capabilities, our staff works together to develop the appropriate rehabilitation design or solution while investigating the risk and constructability for each tunnel project.
Services include:
Tunnel inspection, monitoring, and condition assessment
Rehabilitation and repair design
Value Engineering
Feasibility and constructability evaluation
Railroad Geotechnical Engineering
Offering a staff of professional engineers, technicians, and support personnel, we are knowledgeable at developing project scope and planning exploration programs, directing field drilling, and sampling operations, and performing engineering analysis in support of our vast disciplines for the railroad industry.
With the end goal of practical design and construction recommendations for our railroad clients, we incorporate sustainability into our geotechnical design throughout the reuse of materials and the implementation of well-designed foundation systems that meet or exceed our clients’ expectations.
Services include:
Geotechnical and geological site characteristics
Drilling and sampling
Landslide and rockslide investigations
Foundation design recommendations
Excavation and shoring